The SPECTORS project comprises several activities in the fields of drone and sensing technology,

The Dutch-German cooperation project is funded by INTERREG V-A Deutschland-Nederland. It is a strategic initiative in High-Tech Systems and Materials focusing on ground based as well as airborne remote sensing technology. The main goal of to develop and test innovative hard- and software solutions as well as services on top of the technology to enhance competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises. More than 30 partners from business, academia and public sector are collaborating for 4 years to achieve novel products and services. The total fundable costs of SPECTORS amounts to approx. 9.8 Mio €.
Lammert Kooistra
Senior Scientist Remote Sensing
Lammert is sensing the changing world. He is head of WUR UARSF.
Florian Wichern
Senior Scientist Soil Science
Florian is engaged in sustainable agriculture and soil protection. He is working at HSRW.
David Marcelis
GIS & Remote Sensing Scientist
Besides heavy metal David is passionate about earth observation for precision agriculture. He is working for Soil Cares Research.
Winfried Rijssenbeek
Drone Engineer
Winfried is designing really big drones. He is running the company Drone4Agro.
Bastian Hoffmann
Project Coordinator Lead Partner
Without Bastian we would collapse in chaos. He is coordinator working for the lead partner ISIS IC GmbH. His mantra: If destiny remains … .
Lam Hoi Ying (Olee)
Research Assistant
Olee will work on several aspects of image analysis.

Moritz Prüm
Bachelor Student Hyperspectral
Moritz is working on a stationary linear drive for a hyperspectral imaging system.
David Marcelis
GIS & Remote Sensing Scientist
Besides heavy metal David is passionate about earth observation for precision agriculture. He is working for Soil Cares Research.

Rolf Becker & Luna


